“The Shirt Off My Back” was founded by Thomas Volturo in 2014. Thomas began collecting clothing and personal items from friends and distributing the items right out of the trunk of his car directly to the homeless in our South Florida community. More and more people began to offer communications. The movement has grown and more and more individuals, families and non-profit organizations are benefiting from the generosity of your donations.
Our goal is simple: we put clothing, toiletries and other items directly into the hands of people in need. When asked “why do you do this?” Thomas always responds with the same answer… “because I can.” Please join us in our mission to “pay it forward” and help less fortunate folks in our neighborhoods.
Please donate any toiletries or hygienic items for people in need, such as:
Shaving Cream / Razors
Toilet Paper
Nail Clippers
Tylenol or Aspirins
Cotton Balls or Swabs
Band Aids / First Aid Kits
Children’s Medicine
All Other Possible Helpful Products